Adding Oxtail Soup to Beef Soup

Plated Gallina Pinta

Kate Ramos Serving A Platter

Original Blog & Recipe past
Kate Ramos

Kate is a sometime professional chef turned food writer and photographer who has spent a lifetime in the kitchen. She is passionate about sharing the recipes that brighten her family's days with the rest of the world. She is a mother of ii, wife, and domestic dog-lover. Kate lives with her family unit in Southern California where she writes her Mexican-Inspired nutrient blog, ¡Hola! Jalapeño.

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Gallina Pinta

This restorative Gallina Pinta soup was first introduced to me by my friend (and excellent cook) Karla. Her family is from Baja Norte, Mexico, a neighbor to Sonora where this soup is from.

Non only is Karla skilled in the kitchen, simply she's also a mom to two kids the same ages as mine. I'd had a especially long stretch of meals I thought were delicious only my kids had been less than thrilled most and I went to her for advice.

"Make them Gallina Pinta!" She said.

"Gallina what?!" I replied, wondering what in the globe a dish chosen Painted Chicken could perchance be. She explained that the name has naught to do with the ingredients of the soup and more than about the white and brown speckles of hominy and pinto beans that resemble the feathers of a chicken, and virtually chiefly, that her kids LOVE it.

As e'er, she was right. This beef soup with a big hit of lime has been on constant rotation at our business firm always since. The terra cotta-colored broth is rich and meaty, long-simmered with tender beef cheek and oxtails.

Rumba Meats Beef Cheekmeat and Beef Oxtails make an intense and deep broth. This minimalist soup with the simple flavoring of white onion, garlic, and greenish anaheim pepper is soft and uncluttered assuasive the meat to smooth through.

Gallina Pinta Recipe in a Bowl

The finishing touch to the soup is the compensation of garnishes that get served with it. In my opinion, the soup is non set up until yous've squeezed a fatty lime wedge into your bowl and topped it with fragrant cilantro leaves and crushed chiltepin.


Gallina Pinta Recipe in a Bowl

What You lot Need To Make Gallina Pinta

The ingredients to make Gallina Pinta are cipher short of archetype Mexican cooking at its best. It hits all the notes, hunks of rich beefiness, creamy pinto beans, chewy hominy, and aromatic vegetables. Hither's what yous'll need:

● Rumba Meats Beef Cheekmeat

● Rumba Meats Beef Oxtails

● White Onion

● Tomatoes

● Garlic

● Anaheim Pepper or other mild green pepper

● Pinto Beans

● Cumin seeds

● Hominy

How To Cook Beef Cheekmeat

If you've never cooked Beefiness cheekmeat before, you are in for a real treat. The melt-in-your-mouth tender meat is succulent and rich and very easy to melt. The best means to prepare it are to braise it over low, slow estrus or gently simmer the meat like in this soup.

● Thaw Rumba Beef Cheekmeat overnight in the refrigerator, if frozen.

● Remove from packaging and place in the pot.

● Bring to a boil with the other soup ingredients. Skim off any foam that comes to the elevation and lower rut so broth is gently simmering.

● When the meat is prepare information technology will hands pull away from the sinew (which you can discard).

● Return hunks of meat to the soup.

How To Cook Beefiness Oxtails

This traditional cut of meat is made into soup all over the globe for good reason—beefiness oxtails brand the deepest, richest, broth. Rumba Meats beef oxtails are cutting into two-inch pieces, sliced through the bone which exposes the inner marrow—essential for creating a broth vibrating with flavour. Yous cook the oxtails in the same style as the beef cheekmeat, which is why they are the perfect partners for Gallina Pinta soup.

● Thaw Rumba Beef Oxtails overnight in the refrigerator if frozen.

● Remove from packaging and place in the pot.

● Bring to a boil with the other soup ingredients. Skim off any foam that comes to the summit and then lower heat so goop is gently simmering.

● Here's what'south different from the cheekmeat: The oxtails provide the viscosity of the soup that gives it that rich mouthfeel from the bone marrow, but not a ton of actual meat. The oxtails are ready when the meat around the bone hands pulls away from the os.

● You tin pull the meat off and relieve the os to make beef broth later or serve the soup with the whole basic.

How To Make Gallina Pinta Soup

This soup is really well-nigh as simple as they come up, but here are a few tips to aid you out.

Here's how to make this easy Gallina Pinta soup:

1. Soak the stale pinto beans overnight. This will cutting down on cooking time. Yous tin can also apply canned pinto beans instead. Add the canned pinto beans at the stop with the hominy.

two. Toast the cumin seeds to bring out their fragrance and season. Identify them in a dry frying pan and heat the pan over medium heat. Shake the pan often as they toast. Once y'all tin can odor their lemony scent and the color of the seeds start to change, remove them immediately from the pan to a plate to cool. If you leave them in the pan they will fire and become bitter.

three. The vegetables just need to exist cleaned, peeled, (remove the stems and seeds from the peppers), and and then cut in one-half. They will all get composite together later.

4. Combine the ii kinds of meat, onion, garlic, peppers, tomatoes, and cumin seeds in a very large stock pot (mine is xi quarts). Add water and bring to a boil over high heat.

five. Skim off any foam that rises to the top with a ladle. Throw the foam away in the garbage.

6. Lower the heat until the broth is gently simmering. Encompass with a lid and allow simmer over low oestrus for an 60 minutes.

7. Add together soaked pinto beans and cook for another hour or until meat and beans are tender.

8. Remove meat to a large platter and allow absurd. One time absurd enough to handle, remove meat from the bones and sinew, then return to the pot.

9. While you are waiting for the meat to cool, remove the vegetables with tongs and place in a blender. Blend on low until smooth. Return to the pot.

ten. Add together hominy (and canned beans if y'all are using them) and allow cook for another xx minutes.

eleven. Season with common salt and pepper. Taste the soup and salt until the broth coats your oral fissure and you can taste all the flavors polish through.

12. Don't forget the garnishes! Chop fresh cilantro, cut lime wedges, make a fresh pico de gallo salsa if you'd similar for the tiptop. It is traditional to serve this soup with miniature dried Chiltepin crushed on top.

Check out the full recipe below!


For The Soup:

  • Rumba® Beef Oxtails (ane pound)
  • 3 pounds Rumba® Beefiness Cheekmeat
  • 1 cup dried pinto beans
  • 3 Roma tomatoes, halved lengthwise
  • 2 white onions, peeled and halved
  • two green anaheim peppers, or other mild dark-green peppers, stemmed, seeded and halved
  • iii cloves garlic
  • 1 teaspoon toasted cumin seeds
  • 16 cups (four quarts) water
  • 1 (25-ounce) can hominy, drained and rinsed
  • 1 loving cup dried pinto beans, rinsed, soaked overnight
  • iii tablespoons kosher salt or more to taste

For The Garnish:

  • Lime wedges
  • Chopped Cilantro
  • Chilitepin, crushed
  • Pico de Gallo


To Prep The Beans:

  1. Rinse the stale beans in a colander and so identify in a bowl. Encompass with water and soak overnight.

To Make The Soup:

  1. Combine beef oxtails, beef cheekmeat, tomatoes, onions, peppers, garlic, cumin, and water in a large stock pot. Bring to a boil over high heat. Skim foam off the top and discard, so reduce oestrus to low, cover, and gently simmer for one hour.
  2. two. Bleed beans and add to the soup. Cover and simmer for 1 hour until beans and meat are tender and oxtails and cheekmeat accomplish an internal temperature reaches 160ºF.

To Shred The Meat:

  1. Remove meat to a large platter with tongs and let cool. In one case cool enough to handle, pull meat away from the sinew of the beefiness cheek. Discard the sinew and fat.
  2. four. For the oxtail: You lot tin can either serve the soup with the oxtails intact or remove the meat from the oxtail and salvage the bones to make broth subsequently.
  3. Render meat to the soup pot.

To Alloy The Vegetables:

  1. Remove the vegetables with tongs and place in a blender. Blend on low with the lid slightly ajar, then increment the speed to medium until the mixture is polish. Return the mixture to the soup pot.
  1. Add together hominy and common salt and cook for another 20 minutes.
  2. Taste soup and add more salt if needed.

To Serve:

  1. Ladle soup into bowls and pass garnishes at the tabular array. Soup is best topped with a big squeeze of lime, cilantro, chiltepin and pico de gallo.


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