Best Home Made Taco Seasing Recipie for Ground Beef

This easy Homemade Taco Seasoning recipe is the perfect mode to spice up your craven or beef!

Making your own taco seasoning mix allows you to control what ingredients go into it (and control the salt and spice levels). It takes just minutes to make and you likely take all of the ingredients you demand on hand!

jar of Homemade Taco Seasoning Mix with a spoon full

A Homemade Seasoning (for More than Than Merely Tacos)!

  • Shop-bought seasoning is easy and tastes delicious, but information technology can be loaded with additives and can exist also salty (and the flavour tin can't compare to homemade taco mix)!
  •  It is easily customizable to suit your family's tastes. Reduced the salt or add extra heat if you'd similar.
  • This homemade taco seasoning recipe is really fast to make and can be doubled or tripled.

Homemade Taco Seasoning ingredients in metal cups

Ingredients in Taco Seasoning

So, exactly what is in taco seasoning? It's a blend of spices, most of which you lot likely accept in your pantry.

Chili Powdermakes up the largest portion and adds a southwestern flavor. Information technology'south great in the mixture but too for soups and of course chili recipes.

Basis cumin adds a slightly nutty warm flavor while onion and garlic powder are the aromatics in this recipe. A compression of cayenne pepper adds estrus.

Stale oregano, table salt, and black pepper are included in this taco seasoning. I sometimes add a niggling sweet paprika or smoked paprika (1/ii teaspoon) if I have it on hand.


  • Add together less salt (or no common salt) based on your dietary needs.
  • To make mild taco seasoning, exit out the cayenne pepper and/or chili flakes.
  • To arrive spicy, double the cayenne or add together other stale chili peppers to your liking.

Since this is made from spices, it'due south naturally gluten free (just make certain your chili powder and all spices are GF).

Ingredients for Homemade Taco Seasoning on a wooden plate

How Much Taco Seasoning to Use

In one case you get in, you will never want to go back to store-bought taco seasoning.

  • ii tablespoons of homemade taco seasoning is equal to one packet of taco seasoning.
  • Use two tablespoons of homemade taco seasoning for i pound of footing beef. Add one/2 cup of water with the seasoning and let information technology simmer.
  • Options:  Add together 1/2 diced onion to the meat while browning. Once browned, stir in a tablespoon of tomato paste or a diced tomato if you'd like.

Other Mode to Use Taco Seasoning Mix

This spice blend is perfect for your Mexican-inspired dishes (like tacos) but information technology can be used for and so many other dishes in the kitchen. Whether it'due south weeknight chicken tacos, or fajita Friday, skip the seasoning package and make your own.

Use it on any of the following:

  • one pound of footing meat: ground beefiness, ground chicken, or ground turkey
  • Pork or chicken cutlets. Attempt information technology on shrimp before grilling.
  • Stir it into sauteed veggies.
  • Add together it to flossy pasta sauces
  • Use it as popcorn seasoning for a delicious care for!

I honey using this recipe to make Dorito Taco Salad and Deadening Cooker Chicken Tacos.

mixed Homemade Taco Seasoning Mix with a spoon


Homemade taco seasoning volition last six months stored in a absurd, dry place like your spice closet! I use beautiful little spice jars found on Amazon to continue my spices, but check the dollar store or use a pocket-size bricklayer jar.

I usually make a triple batch so it's prepare to get whenever I need a little taco mix!

Favorite Recipes made with Taco Seasoning!

  • Dorito Taco Salad
  • Crockpot Chicken Tacos
  • 5 Minute Taco Dip
  • Taco Quinoa Bowl

Did you savour this Homemade Taco Seasoning? Be sure to leave a rating and a comment below!

Bootleg Taco Seasoning Recipe

Prep Time 5 minutes

Total Time 5 minutes

Servings 2

I beloved Taco Seasoning! It's not JUST for Tacos! I use this DIY Taco Seasoning Recipe to add a little zip to items like soups and casseroles.

  • 1 tablespoon chili pulverization
  • ½ tablespoon cumin
  • ½ teaspoon onion pulverization
  • ¼ teaspoon garlic powder
  • ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • ½ teaspoon oregano
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ane teaspoon black pepper
  • compression cayenne pepper optional

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  • Mix all ingredients together.

  • Store in an airtight container. for up to half dozen months in a absurd dry out place.

To Utilise:

  • For tacos add 2 tablespoons (or more taste) to one pound of cooked ground meat (optional, add diced onions) in a big pan or skillet

  • Add ½ cup water and simmer until almost of the water has evaporated.

  • 2 tablespoons of homemade taco seasoning is equal to 1 parcel of taco seasoning.
  • Use 2 tablespoons of homemade taco seasoning for ane pound of ground beef. Add 1/2 cup of water with the seasoning and let it simmer.
  • Options:  Add 1/2 diced onion to the meat while browning. Once browned, stir in a tablespoon of lycopersicon esculentum paste or a diced tomato if yous'd like.

Constrict the taco meat into taco shells or tortillas and top with your favorite toppings like lettuce, tomatoes and cheese.

Serving: two.25 tablespoons , Calories: 24 , Carbohydrates: iv g , Poly peptide: 1 yard , Fat: ane chiliad , Saturated Fat: 1 g , Polyunsaturated Fatty: 1 g , Monounsaturated Fat: 1 1000 , Sodium: 655 mg , Potassium: 139 mg , Fiber: 2 1000 , Sugar: 1 g , Vitamin A: 1293 IU , Vitamin C: i mg , Calcium: 43 mg , Fe: 2 mg

(Nutrition data provided is an estimate and will vary based on cooking methods and brands of ingredients used.)

Course Dinner

Cuisine American

jar of Homemade Taco Seasoning Recipe with a title

Homemade Taco Seasoning Recipe ingredients with a title

Homemade Taco Seasoning Recipe with a spoon and writing

Homemade Taco Seasoning Recipe before and after mixing together with writing


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