To Ho Upload Logbooks on Erod Web Server Fmcsa

FMCSA to Drivers, Fleets: Transfer ELD Data Remotely

During the COVID-19 pandemic, drivers are being asked more frequently by inspection officers to exercise an electronic transfer of logbook information — rather than a local transfer. The data flows to the US Department of Transportation'southward spider web-based eRODS arrangement to flag possible violations.

Speaking at Trimble's contempo in.sight virtual briefing, Managing director Joe DeLorenzo, acquaintance administrator for rubber & oversight at the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, explained how the eRODS system "doesn't automatically say" a driver is in violation merely leaves the final conclusion up to the officer or accountant. Some of the most common flags are from use of the "adverse driving" condition and unidentified driving fourth dimension.

Other common flags are for drivers exceeding eight hours of on-duty time without taking a required 30-minute suspension or past entering or editing logbook events, he noted.

For roadside inspections to get smoothly, DeLorenzo advised fleets to "make certain drivers know how to exercise a data transfer" in social club to prevent situations where officers become frustrated and consequence citations.

"At least have an educational activity sheet" for drivers to do a information transfer, he stressed. Roadside officers in virtually cases volition request drivers to exercise a web services transfer. This role is included in many ELDs and is the "fastest, most reliable method to speed through an inspection and get your driver moving again," he said.

Compliance audits of fleets also have inverse during the pandemic. More investigators are asking for a transfer of logbook data. In May the agency began to let offsite audits to determine carriers' safety ratings — Satisfactory, Conditional or Unsatisfactory.

According to information from the agency's Motor Carrier Management Information Organisation, the FMCSA and its state enforcement partners completed 3,582 offsite compliance reviews through the end of July 2020, nearly triple the number of offsite audits conducted in 2019.

During an audit, fleets can upload electronic logbooks and other records to a web application. Inspectors volition then talk to drivers and company officials about specific areas of business.

New Hours of Service Rules on Tap for ELD

On Sept. 29, 2020, at exactly 12:01 a.m., the FMCSA'south new hours-of-service last rule became effective and has impacted motor carriers and drivers in four areas: a brusk-haul exemption; adverse driving atmospheric condition; a more flexible thirty-minute break; and a more flexible sleeper berth option.

  1. Short-booty Exemption

This modify gives the HOS rules more than consistency and greater flexibility, he said. The current ruleset does non require drivers to create a record of duty status (RODS) if they run routes that start and finish at the same location; exercise not exceed a 100-mile radius; and complete their workday within 12 hours.

The new rule extends the radius to 150 miles and the workday to 14 hours. Property carriers must notwithstanding give drivers at to the lowest degree 10 hours off between shifts and accept a system to record a driver'due south starting time and stop times, full time spent on duty, and keep a running total of the hours worked in the past vii days.

  1. Adverse Driving

The current rule allows drivers to extend their 11 hours of drive time upward to xiv hours if they are stuck in an adverse condition. The new rule adds ii more hours of on-duty availability to the xiv-hour clock, which gives drivers added flexibility.

DeLorenzo emphasized that drivers tin use this condition merely when something happens that could non accept been anticipated. Rush-hour traffic doesn't count, but a traffic accident or snowstorm does.

"A lot of the decision is put in the hands of drivers," he said.

  1. 30-Minute Break

The current rule requires property carriers to take a 30-minute intermission afterward viii hours on duty. The new rule only requires a break within the first eight hours of drive time.

Under the electric current rule, breaks had to be recorded as off duty or sleeper booth. With the new rule, drivers can use any not-driving duty status — or a combination thereof — for thirty minutes. For example, a driver could stop and fuel for 15 minutes, record it as on duty, not driving, and so have another break for 15 minutes off duty.

  1. Sleeper booth provision

This is the "most pregnant and most complicated" of the rule changes, he said. Drivers will be able to divide the required 10 hours off each duty cycle as long equally ane of the periods is at least 2 hours long and one is at least 7, and they total x hours.

Neither break flow counts against the 14-hour on duty clock. The shorter catamenia does not have to be a sleeper berth, but the longer break does for a period of at least 7 hours.

At whatever time, drivers can nonetheless take a 10-hour break and restart their on-duty and driving clocks. In summary the changes "permit boosted flexibility, help driver's productivity and assist meliorate safety all at the same time," he said.

How Trimble'due south ELD Platform Can Aid Ensure Your Compliance

From maintaining accurate Hours of Service records and transferring this data to navigating changing regulations, there is a lot to consider when information technology comes to ELDs. Fortunately, Trimble is hither to aid your fleet.

Contact us today to learn more about our proven eDriver Logs ELD platform and how we can assist streamline the safety and compliance of your fleet.


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