Best Way to Spend Free Time 3 Houses

Imagine that you are doing a projection on what teenagers do in their free time. You take collected some information on the bailiwick (see the diagram beneath).

Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on

the discipline of the project.

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Essay 2022 Sample 01

ege 2

Comment on the post-obit statement:

Project on what teenagers do in their free time (2022)

What is your opinion? Do you concur with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
—   make an opening statement on the discipline of the project work;
—   select and written report two–iii main features;
—   make 1–ii comparisons where relevant;
—   outline a problem that can arise with the insufficient physical action in adolescents and suggest the manner of solving it;
—   draw a determination giving your personal opinion on the role of sport in the life of teenagers.

pir 1

linking words 1

soch 001 001
Information technology goes without saying that leisure time is an extremely of import of adolescents' life nowadays. It provides them with many opportunities to rehearse different social roles and activities. The current project focuses on the activities teenagers practice in their gratuitous time.

soch 001 002

The information provided in this pie nautical chart is nigh leisure activities that teenagers participate in. As it is evident from the pie chart the majority of adolescents, accounting for more than 1 third , surf the Cyberspace. The next popular activities are playing computer games and chatting on-line. The figures are 21% and 19% respectively . The pie chart plainly indicates that few teenagers do sports or read in their pastime. The old makes up nine% and the latter stands at 48%.

soch 001 003

Comparison the data given in the diagram, it becomes obvious that almost three times more than teenagers surf the Internet than those engaged in sports. Almost the same number of teenagers, with a divergence of 2%, conversation on-line or play computer games appropriately .

soch 001 004

The pie chart conspicuously illustrates that adolescents more often than not spend their pastime on sedentary activities. Lack of concrete activity can cause some problems. One of them is obesity. It is a serious problem since obese people not merely look unattractive merely also  suffer from a number of diseases such as diabetes, eye attacks, asthma, to proper noun a few. 1 of the likely solutions to the problem is organizing free recreation centers for youngsters where they tin can do sports that appeal to them. Thus, costless admission and a skillful range of sports activities would certainly attract adolescents.

soch 001 005

To sum up, sedentary activities are in priority with adolescents. In my personal stance, sport plays a significant office. Exercises involved in virtually sports improves teens' emotional balance, reduces heart diseases and diabetes, among other health benefits.

Read by George William Dole

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make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;

1. (Topic judgement, предложение , вводящее в тему )

2. Цель проекта + перефраз

Leisure time is an extremely important part of life for children and adolescents.  It provides them with opportunities to rehearse different social roles. The current project focuses on the activities teenagers practise in their spare time.


select and report 2–3 main features;

1. Утверждение по теме

2. Комментарий на первую диаграмму

iii. Комментарий на диаграмму.

The data provided in this pie chart is about leisure activities that teenagers participate in. Equally it is axiomatic from the pie chart the majority of adolescents, accounting for more than than ane 3rd, surf the Net. The side by side popular activities are playing computer games and chatting on-line. The figuredue south are 21% and 19% respectively. The pie chart plainly indicates that few teenagers do sports or read in their pastime. The one-time makes upwards 9% and the latter stands at v%.


make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;

1. Сравните крайние величины

ii. Сравните близкие величины

Comparing the data given in the diagram, information technology becomes obvious that virtually iii times more ( сравнительная конструкция ) teenagers surf the Cyberspace than those engaged in sports. Almost the same number of teenagers , with a divergence of 2%, chat on-line or play calculator games.


outline a problem that can arise with the insufficient physical activity in adolescents and suggest the way of solving it;

i. Вводная фраза

ii. Обозначьте проблему

three. Обоснуйте проблему

four. Приведите решение

The pie nautical chart clearly illustrates that adolescents mostly spend their pastime on sedentary activities. Lack of physical activity can cause some problems. One of them is obesity (проблема ). It is a serious problem since obese people not only await unattractive but also they suffer from a number of diseases such as diabetes, heart attacks, asthma, to name a few ( почему это является проблемой ). I of the probable solutions to the problem is organizing free recreation centers for youngsters where they tin do sports that appeal to them ( решение проблемы ). Thus, free access and a proficient range of sports activities would certainly attract adolescents. (возможный эффект)


describe a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the role of sport in the life of teenagers.

To sum up, sedentary activities are a priority with adolescents. In my personal stance, sport plays a pregnant part. The practice involved in virtually sports improves teenagers' emotional balance, reduces middle disease and diabetes, among other wellness benefits. ( дать пояснение, почему я так думаю )

293 слова.





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